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FileListTreeReader - Class in infovis.tree.io
Class FileListTreeReader Creates a tree from a list of file names, one per line.
FileListTreeReader(InputStream, String, Tree) - Constructor for class infovis.tree.io.FileListTreeReader
fill(Object) - Method in class infovis.column.BasicObjectColumn
Fills the column with the specified value.
fill(boolean) - Method in class infovis.column.BooleanColumn
Fills the column with the specified value.
fill(Column) - Method in class infovis.column.ColumnColumn
Fills the column with the specified value.
fill(double) - Method in class infovis.column.DoubleColumn
Fills the column with the specified value.
fill(double) - Method in class infovis.column.DoubleMatrix1DColumn
fill(float) - Method in class infovis.column.FloatColumn
Fills the column with the specified value.
fill(int) - Method in class infovis.column.IntColumn
Fills the column with the specified value.
fill(long) - Method in class infovis.column.LongColumn
Fills the column with the specified value
Fill - Class in infovis.visualization.render
ItemRenderer that fills its shape.
fillPermutation(int) - Method in class infovis.utils.Permutation
fillPermutation(RowIterator) - Method in class infovis.utils.Permutation
fillPermutation(int, RowComparator) - Method in class infovis.utils.Permutation
fillPermutation(int, RowFilter) - Method in class infovis.utils.Permutation
filter(Column) - Method in interface infovis.column.ColumnFilter
Returns true if the Column should be filtered out.
filter(Column) - Method in class infovis.column.filter.ComposeExceptFilter
filter(Column) - Method in class infovis.column.filter.ComposeOrFilter
filter(Column) - Method in class infovis.column.filter.ExceptNamed
filter(Column) - Method in class infovis.column.filter.FilterAll
filter(Column) - Method in class infovis.column.filter.InternalFilter
filter(Column) - Method in class infovis.column.filter.NotNumberFilter
filter(Column) - Method in class infovis.column.filter.NotStringOrNumberFilter
filter(Column) - Method in class infovis.column.filter.NotTypedFilter
filter(Column) - Method in class infovis.metadata.AdditiveAggregation.NonAdditiveFilter
Returns true if the Column should be filtered out.
filter(Column) - Method in class infovis.panel.DynamicQueryPanel
filter(Column) - Method in class infovis.table.FilteredTable
Returns true if the Column should be filtered out.
filter(Column) - Method in class infovis.tree.visualization.TreeStructrureFilter
filter(RowComparator) - Method in class infovis.utils.Permutation
filter(RowFilter) - Method in class infovis.utils.Permutation
filter(int) - Method in class infovis.utils.Permutation
filter(RowIterator) - Method in class infovis.utils.Permutation
filter(Column) - Method in class infovis.visualization.render.AbstractVisualColumn
FILTER_COLUMN - Static variable in interface infovis.Table
Name of the LongColumn managing the dynamic filtering, if one exists.
FilterAll - Class in infovis.column.filter
Class FilterAll
FilterAll() - Constructor for class infovis.column.filter.FilterAll
FilterColumn - Class in infovis.column
Column managing BitSet s meant for filtering columns with dynamic queries.
FilterColumn(String) - Constructor for class infovis.column.FilterColumn
Constructor for FilterColumn.
FilterColumn(String, int) - Constructor for class infovis.column.FilterColumn
Constructor for FilterColumn.
FilteredColumnListModel - Class in infovis.panel
Filtered ListModel for Columns.
FilteredColumnListModel(Table, ColumnFilter) - Constructor for class infovis.panel.FilteredColumnListModel
Constructor for FilteredColumnListModel.
FilteredColumnListModel(Table) - Constructor for class infovis.panel.FilteredColumnListModel
FilterEdgeDynamicQuery - Class in infovis.graph.visualization
Dynamic query to filter edges with a filtered vertex.
FilterEdgeDynamicQuery(Graph, FilterColumn, boolean) - Constructor for class infovis.graph.visualization.FilterEdgeDynamicQuery
FilteredRowComparator - Class in infovis.utils
Class FilteredRowComparator
FilteredRowComparator(RowComparator, RowFilter) - Constructor for class infovis.utils.FilteredRowComparator
FilteredRowComparator(RowFilter) - Constructor for class infovis.utils.FilteredRowComparator
FilteredRowIterator - Class in infovis.utils
Class FilteredRowIterator
FilteredRowIterator(RowIterator, RowFilter) - Constructor for class infovis.utils.FilteredRowIterator
filteredTable(Table, ColumnFilter) - Static method in class infovis.panel.FilteredColumnListModel
FilteredTable - Class in infovis.table
Proxy Table filtering Columns.
FilteredTable(Table, ColumnFilter, Comparator) - Constructor for class infovis.table.FilteredTable
Create a Filtered Table from a reference table, a column filter and a comparator that specifies the order of columns in the table.
FilteredTable(Table, ColumnFilter) - Constructor for class infovis.table.FilteredTable
Create a Filtered Table from a reference table and a column filter.
FilteredTable(Table) - Constructor for class infovis.table.FilteredTable
Create a Filtered Table from a reference table.
find(Visualization) - Static method in class infovis.visualization.magicLens.ExcentricLabelVisualization
find(Visualization) - Static method in class infovis.visualization.ruler.RulerVisualization
Returns a RulerVisualization associated with a visualialization or create it if it doesn't exist.
findCategory(String) - Method in class infovis.column.format.CategoricalFormat
Find a category associated with a name, creating it if it doesn't exist yet.
findColumn(Table, String) - Static method in class infovis.column.BooleanColumn
Returns a column as a FloatColumn from a table, creating it if needed.
findColumn(Table, String) - Static method in class infovis.column.CategoricalColumn
Returns a column as a IntColumn from a table, creating it if needed.
findColumn(Table, String) - Static method in class infovis.column.ColumnColumn
Returns a column as a ColumnColumn from a table, creating it if needed.
findColumn(Table, String) - Static method in class infovis.column.DoubleColumn
Returns a column as a DoubleColumn from a table, creating it if needed.
findColumn(Table, String) - Static method in class infovis.column.FilterColumn
Returns a column as a FilterColumn from a table, creating it if needed.
findColumn(Table, String) - Static method in class infovis.column.FloatColumn
Returns a column as a FloatColumn from a table, creating it if needed.
findColumn(Table, String) - Static method in class infovis.column.IntColumn
Returns a column as a IntColumn from a table, creating it if needed.
findColumn(Table, String) - Static method in class infovis.column.IntSparseColumn
Returns a column as a IntColumn from a table, creating it if needed.
findColumn(Table, String) - Static method in class infovis.column.LongColumn
Returns a column as a LongColumn from a table, creating it if needed.
findColumn(Table, String) - Static method in class infovis.column.ObjectColumn
Returns a column as a ObjectColumn from a table, creating it if needed.
findColumn(Table, String) - Static method in class infovis.column.ShapeColumn
Returns the ShapeColumn of the specified name in the table, creating it if needed.
findColumn(Table, String) - Static method in class infovis.column.StringColumn
Returns a column as a StringColumn from a table, creating it if needed.
findColumn(Tree) - Static method in class infovis.tree.DegreeColumn
Returns the DegreeColumn of this tree if it exists and creates it otherwise.
findColumn(Tree) - Static method in class infovis.tree.DepthColumn
findColumn(Tree) - Static method in class infovis.tree.LeafCountColumn
Returns the TreeCountColumn associated with the specified tree, creating it if necessary.
findColumn(Tree) - Static method in class infovis.tree.visualization.RainbowColumn
Returns a RainbowColumn associated with the specified tree, creating it if needed.
findComponent(Graph, int, AbstractIntIntMap) - Static method in class infovis.graph.Algorithms
findCreator(Visualization) - Method in class infovis.panel.ControlPanelFactory
findDefaultColorColumn() - Method in class infovis.visualization.render.VisualColor
findDefaultLabelColumn() - Method in class infovis.visualization.render.DefaultVisualLabel
Returns a column that will be a default label or null.
findDefaultLabelColumn(Table) - Static method in class infovis.visualization.render.DefaultVisualLabel
Returns a column from a table that will be a default label or null.
findDependentColumns(Column) - Static method in class infovis.metadata.DependencyMetadata
findDynamicQueryIndex(DynamicQuery) - Method in class infovis.column.FilterColumn
Returns the bitIndex for the specified dynamic query creating it and adding the dynamic query if is not registered.
findEdge(int, int) - Method in class infovis.graph.DefaultGraph
Returns an edge between two specified vertices.
findEdge(int, int) - Method in class infovis.graph.DenseGraph
findEdge(int, int) - Method in interface infovis.Graph
Returns an edge between two specified vertices.
findEdge(int, int) - Method in class infovis.graph.GraphProxy
findEdge(int, int) - Method in class infovis.graph.io.DOTParser
findEdge(int, int) - Method in class infovis.graph.io.VCGParser
findEdge(int, int) - Method in class infovis.graph.visualization.GraphVisualization
findEdge(int, int) - Method in class infovis.tree.TreeAsGraph
findExcentric() - Method in class infovis.panel.ExcentricLabelControlPanel
findIdColumn(Column) - Static method in class infovis.column.ColumnId
Search for an IdColumn associated with a specified column and returns it or creates it if none exists.
findLinkShape(int) - Method in class infovis.graph.io.AbstractGraphReader
findLinkShapes() - Method in class infovis.graph.io.AbstractGraphReader
findNamed(String, ItemRenderer) - Static method in class infovis.visualization.render.AbstractItemRenderer
findNamed(String, Visualization) - Static method in class infovis.visualization.render.AbstractItemRenderer
findNode(String) - Method in class infovis.graph.io.GMLGraphReader
findNode(String) - Method in class infovis.graph.io.GraphMLReader
Returns a n ode given its unique id.
findNode(String, int, Tree, StringColumn) - Static method in class infovis.tree.io.AbstractTreeReader
findNodeShape(int) - Method in class infovis.graph.io.AbstractGraphReader
findNodeShapes() - Method in class infovis.graph.io.AbstractGraphReader
findRect(int) - Method in class infovis.column.ShapeColumn
Returns a rectangle at the specified index, allocating it if the index is undefined.
findRectAt(int) - Method in class infovis.tree.visualization.NodeLinkTreeLayout
findRectAt(int) - Method in class infovis.visualization.DefaultVisualization
Returns a rectangle for the specified row, allocating it if needed.
findScheme(Color, Color) - Method in class infovis.panel.color.OrderedColorControlPanel
findValueCategory(Column) - Static method in class infovis.metadata.ValueCategory
Returns a category constant associated with the specified column, guessing one is none is associated with the column.
findVertex(String) - Method in class infovis.graph.io.DOTParser
findVertex(String) - Method in class infovis.graph.io.RDFGraphReader
findVertex(String) - Method in class infovis.graph.io.VCGParser
findVisualization(Class) - Method in class infovis.visualization.DefaultVisualization
Returns the sub-visualization of the specified class or null.
findVisualization(Class) - Method in interface infovis.Visualization
Returns the visualization of a specified class from a stack of visualizations or null.
findVisualization(Class) - Method in class infovis.visualization.magicLens.ExcentricLabelVisualization
findVisualization(Class) - Method in class infovis.visualization.VisualizationLayers
findVisualization(Class) - Method in class infovis.visualization.VisualizationProxy
Returns the visualization of a specified class from a stack of visualizations or null.
finish(int) - Method in interface infovis.tree.BreadthFirst.Visitor
finish() - Method in class infovis.tree.visualization.treemap.Treemap
Method start should be called before starting to draw shapes.
finishVertex(int) - Method in class infovis.graph.algorithm.BFSVisitor
finishVertex(int) - Method in interface infovis.graph.algorithm.BreadthFirst.Visitor
Invoked after all of the out edges of u have been examined and all of the adjacent vertices have been discovered.
finishVertex(int) - Method in interface infovis.graph.algorithm.DepthFirst.Visitor
Invoked on a vertex after all of its out edges have been added to the search tree and all of the adjacent vertices have been discovered (but before their out-edges have been examined).
finishVertex(int) - Method in class infovis.graph.algorithm.DFSVisitor
firePropertyChange(String, Object, Object) - Method in class infovis.visualization.DefaultVisualization
Fires a property change given a property name, the old and new values of the property.
firePropertyChange(String, int, int) - Method in class infovis.visualization.DefaultVisualization
Fires a property change given a property name, the old and new values of the property.
firePropertyChange(String, boolean, boolean) - Method in class infovis.visualization.DefaultVisualization
Fires a property change given a property name, the old and new values of the property.
firePropertyChange(String, Object, Object) - Method in class infovis.visualization.magicLens.DefaultMagicLens
firePropertyChange(String, int, int) - Method in class infovis.visualization.magicLens.DefaultMagicLens
firePropertyChange(String, float, float) - Method in class infovis.visualization.magicLens.DefaultMagicLens
firePropertyChange(String, boolean, boolean) - Method in class infovis.visualization.magicLens.DefaultMagicLens
fireTableChanged(TableModelEvent) - Method in class infovis.panel.DetailTable
Forwards the given notification event to all TableModelListeners that registered themselves as listeners for this table sizeModel.
fireTableChanged(TableModelEvent) - Method in class infovis.table.DefaultTable
Forwards the given notification event to all TableModelListeners that registered themselves as listeners for this table model.
fireTableDataChanged() - Method in class infovis.panel.DetailTable
Notifies all listeners that all cell values in the table's rows may have changed.
fireTableDataChanged(int, int, int) - Method in class infovis.table.DefaultTable
Notifies all listeners that all cell values in the table's rows may have changed.
fireTableDataChanged() - Method in class infovis.table.DefaultTable
Notifies all listeners that all the table has changed.
fireTableStructureChanged() - Method in class infovis.panel.DetailTable
Notifies all listeners that the table's structure has changed.
fireTableStructureChanged() - Method in class infovis.table.DefaultTable
Notifies all listeners that the table's structure has changed.
fireVisualColumnDescriptorChanged(String) - Method in class infovis.visualization.DefaultVisualization
Triggers a notification from a changed ItemRenderer given its name.
fireVisualColumnDescriptorChanged(String) - Method in interface infovis.Visualization
Fires property change notifications for the specified Visual Column Descriptor.
fireVisualColumnDescriptorChanged(String) - Method in class infovis.visualization.magicLens.ExcentricLabelVisualization
fireVisualColumnDescriptorChanged(String) - Method in class infovis.visualization.VisualizationProxy
Fires property change notifications for the specified Visual Column Descriptor.
first - Variable in class infovis.utils.DoublePair
first - Variable in class infovis.utils.IntPair
FIRSTEDGE_COLUMN - Static variable in class infovis.graph.DefaultGraph
Name of the column containing the index of the first outgoing edge.
FIRSTINEDGE_COLUMN - Static variable in class infovis.graph.DefaultGraph
Name of the column containing the first incoming edge.
firstKey() - Method in class infovis.utils.IntSortedMap
Returns the first (lowest) key currently in this sorted map.
firstKey() - Method in class infovis.utils.RBTree
firstValidRow() - Method in class infovis.column.BasicColumn
Returns the index of the first row which has a defined value or Integer.MAX_VALUE if there is none.
firstValidRow() - Method in class infovis.column.BasicEdgeColumn
Returns the first valid row (not undefined) of this column.
Fisheye - Interface in infovis.visualization.magicLens
Class Fisheye
FisheyeControlPanel - Class in infovis.panel
Control panel to configure the Fisheye associated with the specified visualization.
FisheyeControlPanel(Visualization) - Constructor for class infovis.panel.FisheyeControlPanel
Constructor for FisheyesControlPanel.
FLOAT - Static variable in interface infovis.graph.io.VCGTokenTypes
FloatColumn - Class in infovis.column
A Column of float values, implemented by Colt FloatArrayList.
FloatColumn(String) - Constructor for class infovis.column.FloatColumn
Creates a new FloatColumn object.
FloatColumn(String, int) - Constructor for class infovis.column.FloatColumn
Creates a new FloatColumn object.
FloatColumn(String, FloatArrayList) - Constructor for class infovis.column.FloatColumn
Creates a new FloatColumn object backed on a Colt FloatArrayList.
FloatStack - Class in infovis.utils
Class FloatStack
FloatStack() - Constructor for class infovis.utils.FloatStack
FloatStack(float[]) - Constructor for class infovis.utils.FloatStack
FloatStack(int) - Constructor for class infovis.utils.FloatStack
flush() - Method in class infovis.io.AbstractWriter
foldedge_defaults() - Method in class infovis.graph.io.VCGParser
foldnode_defaults() - Method in class infovis.graph.io.VCGParser
forEachKey(IntProcedure) - Method in class infovis.utils.RBTree
forEachPair(IntIntProcedure) - Method in class infovis.utils.RBTree
format(Object) - Method in class infovis.column.BasicObjectColumn
Returns the string representation of a value according to the current format.
format(boolean) - Method in class infovis.column.BooleanColumn
Returns the string representation of a value according to the current format.
format(double) - Method in class infovis.column.BooleanColumn
Returns the specified value formatted according to this column's format.
format(double) - Method in class infovis.column.ColumnId
Returns the specified value formatted according to this column's format.
format(double) - Method in class infovis.column.ConstantColumn
Returns the specified value formatted according to this column's format.
format(double) - Method in class infovis.column.DoubleColumn
Returns the string representation of a value according to the current format.
format(double) - Method in class infovis.column.DoubleMatrix1DColumn
Returns the string representation of a value according to the current format.
format(float) - Method in class infovis.column.FloatColumn
Returns the string representation of a value according to the current format.
format(double) - Method in class infovis.column.FloatColumn
Returns the specified value formatted according to this column's format.
format(Object, StringBuffer, FieldPosition) - Method in class infovis.column.format.BooleanFormat
format(Object, StringBuffer, FieldPosition) - Method in class infovis.column.format.CategoricalFormat
format(Object, StringBuffer, FieldPosition) - Method in class infovis.column.format.ColorFormat
format(int) - Method in class infovis.column.IdColumn
Returns the string representation of a value according to the current format.
format(int) - Method in class infovis.column.IntColumn
Returns the string representation of a value according to the current format.
format(double) - Method in class infovis.column.IntColumn
Returns the specified value formatted according to this column's format.
format(int) - Method in class infovis.column.IntSparseColumn
Returns the string representation of a value according to the current format.
format(double) - Method in class infovis.column.IntSparseColumn
format(long) - Method in class infovis.column.LongColumn
Returns the string representation of a value according to the current format.
format(double) - Method in class infovis.column.LongColumn
format(double) - Method in interface infovis.column.NumberColumn
Returns the specified value formatted according to this column's format.
FORMAT - Static variable in interface infovis.metadata.Constants
Standard Dublin Core Metadata format.
forwardOrCrossEdge(int) - Method in interface infovis.graph.algorithm.DepthFirst.Visitor
Invoked on forward or cross edges in the graph.
forwardOrCrossEdge(int) - Method in class infovis.graph.algorithm.DFSVisitor
free(int) - Method in class infovis.utils.IdManager
free(Shape) - Method in class infovis.utils.RectPool
Frees a shape, adding it back to the pool if it is a rectangle.
freeRect(int) - Method in class infovis.column.ShapeColumn
Frees the shape at that index, returning rectangles to the RectPool.
freeRect(Shape) - Static method in class infovis.utils.RectPool
Frees a shape, adding it back to the pool if it is a rectangle.
freeRectAt(int) - Method in class infovis.visualization.DefaultVisualization
Returns the rectangle at the specified row to the rectangle pool.
FRLayout - Class in infovis.graph.visualization.layout
Implements the Fruchterman-Reingold algorithm for node layout.
FRLayout() - Constructor for class infovis.graph.visualization.layout.FRLayout
from - Variable in class infovis.io.WebLogParser.Entry
FunctionColumn - Class in infovis.column
Applies a unary function to a column and maintains the result into this column.
FunctionColumn(NumberColumn, DoubleFunction) - Constructor for class infovis.column.FunctionColumn
Create a FunctionColumn from a NumberColumn and a DoubleFunction.

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Copyright © 2005 by Jean-Daniel Fekete and INRIA, France All rights reserved.