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WebLogParser - Class in infovis.io
Simple parser for Apache web log format.
WebLogParser() - Constructor for class infovis.io.WebLogParser
WebLogParser.Entry - Class in infovis.io
WebLogParser.Entry() - Constructor for class infovis.io.WebLogParser.Entry
WEIGHT_COLUMN - Static variable in class infovis.tree.visualization.TreeVisualization
Name of the column where the additive weights are computed.
WHITE - Static variable in class infovis.graph.algorithm.Algorithm
WHITE - Static variable in class infovis.utils.InfovisUtilities
The WHITE outline component.
witness - Variable in exception infovis.io.WrongFormatException
Object witnessing the format was wrong.
WrappingVisualLabel - Class in infovis.visualization.render
Class WrappingVisualLabel
WrappingVisualLabel() - Constructor for class infovis.visualization.render.WrappingVisualLabel
WrappingVisualLabel(boolean, Color) - Constructor for class infovis.visualization.render.WrappingVisualLabel
WrappingVisualLabel(boolean) - Constructor for class infovis.visualization.render.WrappingVisualLabel
WrappingVisualLabel(Color) - Constructor for class infovis.visualization.render.WrappingVisualLabel
WrappingVisualLabel(ItemRenderer, boolean, Color) - Constructor for class infovis.visualization.render.WrappingVisualLabel
WrappingVisualLabel(ItemRenderer, boolean) - Constructor for class infovis.visualization.render.WrappingVisualLabel
write() - Method in class infovis.graph.io.DOTGraphWriter
write() - Method in class infovis.graph.io.GraphMLWriter
write() - Method in class infovis.graph.io.PajekGraphWriter
write() - Method in class infovis.graph.io.VCGGraphWriter
write(char) - Method in class infovis.io.AbstractWriter
Write one character in the output writer.
write(String) - Method in class infovis.io.AbstractWriter
Write a string in the output writer.
write() - Method in class infovis.io.AbstractWriter
Abstract method that performs the actual writing of data.
write() - Method in class infovis.table.io.CSVTableWriter
Abstract method that performs the actual writing of data.
write() - Method in class infovis.tree.io.XMLTreeWriter
writeBuffer() - Method in class infovis.io.AbstractWriter
Write the StringBuffer in the output writer and clears it.
writeEdge(int) - Method in class infovis.graph.io.DOTGraphWriter
writeEdge(int) - Method in class infovis.graph.io.VCGGraphWriter
writeGraph(String, Graph) - Static method in class infovis.graph.io.GraphWriterFactory
writeln() - Method in class infovis.io.AbstractWriter
Write a newline in the ouput writer.
writeVertex(int) - Method in class infovis.graph.io.DOTGraphWriter
writeVertex(int) - Method in class infovis.graph.io.VCGGraphWriter
WrongFormatException - Exception in infovis.io
Exception sent by Readers when witnessing a wrong format.
WrongFormatException() - Constructor for exception infovis.io.WrongFormatException
Constructor for WrongFormatException.
WrongFormatException(String) - Constructor for exception infovis.io.WrongFormatException
Constructor for WrongFormatException.
WrongFormatException(String, Throwable) - Constructor for exception infovis.io.WrongFormatException
Constructor for WrongFormatException.
WrongFormatException(Throwable) - Constructor for exception infovis.io.WrongFormatException
Constructor for WrongFormatException.
WS - Static variable in interface infovis.graph.io.DOTTokenTypes
WS - Static variable in interface infovis.graph.io.VCGTokenTypes
WS - Static variable in interface infovis.tree.io.NewickTokenTypes

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Copyright © 2005 by Jean-Daniel Fekete and INRIA, France All rights reserved.