A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z _


paint(Graphics2D, Rectangle2D) - Method in class infovis.graph.visualization.MatrixAxisVisualization
paint(Graphics2D, int, Shape) - Method in class infovis.tree.visualization.treemap.TreemapVisualLabel
paint(Graphics2D, Rectangle2D) - Method in class infovis.visualization.DefaultAxisVisualization
paint(Graphics2D, Rectangle2D) - Method in class infovis.visualization.DefaultVisualization
Method for painting the visualization.
paint(Graphics2D, int, Shape) - Method in interface infovis.visualization.ItemRenderer
paint(Graphics2D, Rectangle2D) - Method in class infovis.visualization.magicLens.DefaultExcentricLabels
paint(Graphics2D, Rectangle2D) - Method in interface infovis.visualization.magicLens.ExcentricLabels
paint(Graphics2D, Rectangle2D) - Method in class infovis.visualization.magicLens.ExcentricLabelVisualization
paint(Graphics2D, Rectangle2D) - Method in interface infovis.Visualization
Method for painting the visualization.
paint(Graphics2D, int, Shape) - Method in class infovis.visualization.render.AbstractItemRenderer
paint(Graphics2D, int, Shape) - Method in class infovis.visualization.render.DefaultVisualLabel
paint(Graphics2D, int, Shape) - Method in class infovis.visualization.render.Fill
paint(Graphics2D, int, Shape) - Method in class infovis.visualization.render.NoVisual
paint(Graphics2D, int, Shape) - Method in class infovis.visualization.render.StaticItemRenderer
paint(Graphics2D, int, Shape) - Method in class infovis.visualization.render.Stroke
paint(Graphics2D, int, Shape) - Method in class infovis.visualization.render.VisualAlpha
paint(Graphics2D, int, Shape) - Method in class infovis.visualization.render.VisualArea
paint(Graphics2D, int, Shape) - Method in class infovis.visualization.render.VisualArrowHead
paint(Graphics2D, int, Shape) - Method in class infovis.visualization.render.VisualClipBounds
paint(Graphics2D, int, Shape) - Method in class infovis.visualization.render.VisualColor
paint(Graphics2D, int, Shape) - Method in class infovis.visualization.render.VisualFilter
paint(Graphics2D, int, Shape) - Method in class infovis.visualization.render.VisualFisheye
paint(Graphics2D, int, Shape) - Method in class infovis.visualization.render.VisualImage
paint(Graphics2D, int, Shape) - Method in class infovis.visualization.render.VisualLabel
paint(Graphics2D, int, Shape) - Method in class infovis.visualization.render.VisualLabelUnder
paint(Graphics2D, int, Shape) - Method in class infovis.visualization.render.VisualSelection
paint(Graphics2D, int, Shape) - Method in class infovis.visualization.render.VisualShape
paint(Graphics2D, int, Shape) - Method in class infovis.visualization.render.VisualStatistics
paint(Graphics2D, int, Shape) - Method in class infovis.visualization.render.VisualStrokeSize
paint(Graphics2D, int, Shape) - Method in class infovis.visualization.render.VisualStrokingLabel
paint(Graphics2D, int, Shape) - Method in class infovis.visualization.render.VisualVisualization
paint(Graphics2D, int, Shape) - Method in class infovis.visualization.render.WrappingVisualLabel
paint(Graphics2D, Rectangle2D) - Method in class infovis.visualization.ruler.RulerVisualization
Method for painting the visualization.
paint(Graphics2D, Rectangle2D) - Method in class infovis.visualization.VisualizationLayers
paint(Graphics2D, Rectangle2D) - Method in class infovis.visualization.VisualizationProxy
Method for painting the visualization.
paintBackground(Graphics2D) - Method in class infovis.panel.VisualizationPanel
Paints the background according to the usingGradient paramter.
paintIcon(Component, Graphics, int, int) - Method in class infovis.panel.color.ColorScheme
paintItem(Graphics2D, int) - Method in class infovis.visualization.DefaultVisualization
Draw the shape of a specified row onto the specified graphics.
paintItems(Graphics2D, Rectangle2D) - Method in class infovis.graph.visualization.NodeLinkGraphVisualization
paintItems(Graphics2D, Rectangle2D) - Method in class infovis.tree.visualization.NodeLinkTreeVisualization
Method for filtering and painting the items.
paintItems(Graphics2D, Rectangle2D) - Method in class infovis.tree.visualization.TreeVisualization
Method for filtering and painting the items.
paintItems(Graphics2D, Rectangle2D) - Method in class infovis.visualization.DefaultVisualization
Method for filtering and painting the items.
paintLines(Graphics2D, ArrayList, Rectangle2D.Float, Rectangle2D) - Method in class infovis.visualization.render.WrappingVisualLabel
paintStatistics(Graphics2D) - Method in class infovis.visualization.render.VisualStatistics
paintVisualizations(Graphics2D, Rectangle2D) - Method in class infovis.visualization.DefaultVisualization
Paints the sub-visualizations.
PajekGraphWriter - Class in infovis.graph.io
Class PajekGraphWriter
PajekGraphWriter(OutputStream, String, Graph) - Constructor for class infovis.graph.io.PajekGraphWriter
PajekGraphWriter(OutputStream, Graph) - Constructor for class infovis.graph.io.PajekGraphWriter
PajekNetReader - Class in infovis.graph.io
Class PajekNetReader
PajekNetReader(InputStream, String, Graph) - Constructor for class infovis.graph.io.PajekNetReader
ParallelCoordinatesVisualization - Class in infovis.table.visualization
Implements the Parallel Coordinates Visualization as described by A.
ParallelCoordinatesVisualization(Table) - Constructor for class infovis.table.visualization.ParallelCoordinatesVisualization
Creates a new Parallel Coordinates object.
PARENT_COLUMN - Static variable in class infovis.tree.DefaultTree
Name of the IntColumn referencing the parent of a node.
parse(String) - Method in class infovis.column.BasicObjectColumn
Parse a string and return the value for the column.
parse(String) - Method in class infovis.column.BooleanColumn
Parse a string and return the value for the column.
parse(String) - Method in class infovis.column.DoubleColumn
Parse a string and return the value for the column.
parse(String) - Method in class infovis.column.DoubleMatrix1DColumn
Parse a string and return the value for the column.
parse(String) - Method in class infovis.column.FloatColumn
Parse a string and return the value for the column.
parse(String) - Method in class infovis.column.IdColumn
Parse a string and return the value for the column.
parse(String) - Method in class infovis.column.IntColumn
Parse a string and return the value for the column.
parse(String) - Method in class infovis.column.IntSparseColumn
Parse a string and return the value for the column.
parse(String) - Method in class infovis.column.LongColumn
Parse a string and return the value for the column.
parseColor(String) - Static method in class infovis.panel.color.ColorScheme
parseColorRamp(String) - Static method in class infovis.panel.color.ColorScheme
parseEdge(ArrayList) - Method in class infovis.graph.io.GMLGraphReader
parseGraph(ArrayList) - Method in class infovis.graph.io.GMLGraphReader
parseHTMLLinks(BufferedReader) - Method in class infovis.io.HTMLLinkParser
parseList() - Method in class infovis.graph.io.GMLGraphReader
parseNode(ArrayList) - Method in class infovis.graph.io.GMLGraphReader
parseObject(String, ParsePosition) - Method in class infovis.column.format.BooleanFormat
parseObject(String, ParsePosition) - Method in class infovis.column.format.CategoricalFormat
parseObject(String, ParsePosition) - Method in class infovis.column.format.ColorFormat
parseObject(String) - Method in class infovis.column.format.UTCDateFormat
peek() - Method in class infovis.utils.Heap
peekRow() - Method in class infovis.column.ColumnIterator
Returns the next row without incrementing the iterator.
peekRow() - Method in class infovis.utils.ArrayChildrenIterator
peekRow() - Method in class infovis.utils.FilteredRowIterator
peekRow() - Method in class infovis.utils.NullRowIterator
peekRow() - Method in class infovis.utils.RBTree.KeyIterator
peekRow() - Method in interface infovis.utils.RowIterator
Returns the next row without incrementing the iterator.
peekRow() - Method in class infovis.utils.RowIteratorProxy
peekRow() - Method in class infovis.utils.TableIterator
Permutation - Class in infovis.utils
Maintain a permutation of indices.
Permutation(int) - Constructor for class infovis.utils.Permutation
Permutation(RowIterator) - Constructor for class infovis.utils.Permutation
Permutation() - Constructor for class infovis.utils.Permutation
pick(Rectangle2D, int, Shape) - Method in interface infovis.visualization.ItemRenderer
pick(Rectangle2D, int, Shape) - Method in class infovis.visualization.render.AbstractItemRenderer
pick(Rectangle2D, int, Shape) - Method in class infovis.visualization.render.Fill
pick(Rectangle2D, int, Shape) - Method in class infovis.visualization.render.NoVisual
pick(Rectangle2D, int, Shape) - Method in class infovis.visualization.render.Stroke
pick(Rectangle2D, int, Shape) - Method in class infovis.visualization.render.VisualFilter
pick(Rectangle2D, int, Shape) - Method in class infovis.visualization.render.VisualStrokeSize
pickAll(Rectangle2D, Rectangle2D, IntArrayList) - Method in class infovis.visualization.DefaultVisualization
Pick all the items under a rectangle.
pickAll(Rectangle2D, Rectangle2D, Set) - Method in class infovis.visualization.DefaultVisualization
Returns a list of LabeledItems under a specified Rectangle.
pickAll(Rectangle2D, Rectangle2D, IntArrayList) - Method in class infovis.visualization.magicLens.ExcentricLabelVisualization
pickAll(Rectangle2D, Rectangle2D, Set) - Method in class infovis.visualization.magicLens.ExcentricLabelVisualization
pickAll(Rectangle2D, Rectangle2D, Set) - Method in interface infovis.visualization.magicLens.LabeledComponent
Returns a list of LabeledItems under a specified Rectangle.
pickAll(Rectangle2D, Rectangle2D, IntArrayList) - Method in interface infovis.Visualization
Pick all the items under a rectangle.
pickAll(Rectangle2D, Rectangle2D, Set) - Method in class infovis.visualization.StrokingVisualization
pickAll(Rectangle2D, Rectangle2D, Set) - Method in class infovis.visualization.VisualizationLayers
pickAll(Rectangle2D, Rectangle2D, IntArrayList) - Method in class infovis.visualization.VisualizationProxy
Pick all the items under a rectangle.
pickAll(Rectangle2D, Rectangle2D, Set) - Method in class infovis.visualization.VisualizationProxy
Returns a list of LabeledItems under a specified Rectangle.
pickItem(Rectangle2D, Rectangle2D, Shape, int) - Method in class infovis.visualization.DefaultVisualization
Returns true of an item is picked by the specified bounds.
pickTop(double, double, Rectangle2D) - Method in class infovis.visualization.DefaultVisualization
Pick the top item.
pickTop(Rectangle2D, Rectangle2D) - Method in class infovis.visualization.DefaultVisualization
Pick the top item.
pickTop(double, double, Rectangle2D) - Method in class infovis.visualization.magicLens.ExcentricLabelVisualization
pickTop(Rectangle2D, Rectangle2D) - Method in class infovis.visualization.magicLens.ExcentricLabelVisualization
pickTop(double, double, Rectangle2D) - Method in interface infovis.Visualization
Pick the top item.
pickTop(Rectangle2D, Rectangle2D) - Method in interface infovis.Visualization
Pick the top item.
pickTop(double, double, Rectangle2D) - Method in class infovis.visualization.VisualizationProxy
Pick the top item.
pickTop(Rectangle2D, Rectangle2D) - Method in class infovis.visualization.VisualizationProxy
Pick the top item.
pointAt(Shape, double, Point2D) - Static method in class infovis.utils.StrokedPath
pointHeight(float, float) - Method in class infovis.visualization.magicLens.DefaultFisheye
Returns the height of a specified point.
pointOnPathIn(Shape, Rectangle2D, Point2D) - Static method in class infovis.utils.StrokedPath
pointOnPathIn(double[], int, Rectangle2D, Point2D) - Method in class infovis.utils.StrokedPath
pop() - Method in class infovis.utils.CharStack
pop() - Method in class infovis.utils.DoubleStack
pop() - Method in class infovis.utils.FloatStack
pop() - Method in class infovis.utils.Heap
pop() - Method in class infovis.utils.IntStack
pop() - Method in class infovis.utils.LongStack
pop() - Method in class infovis.utils.ShortStack
port() - Method in class infovis.graph.io.DOTParser
port_angle() - Method in class infovis.graph.io.DOTParser
port_location() - Method in class infovis.graph.io.DOTParser
postorder(int) - Method in class infovis.metadata.MinAggregation.DenseColumn
postorder(int) - Method in interface infovis.tree.DepthFirst.Visitor
Method called when all the children of the node have been traversed.
postorder(int) - Method in class infovis.tree.StructureChecker
postorder(int) - Method in class infovis.tree.visualization.nodelink.SimpleTreeLayout
Method called when all the children of the node have been traversed.
postorder(int) - Method in class infovis.tree.visualization.RainbowColumn
Method called when all the children of the node have been traversed.
preorder(int) - Method in class infovis.metadata.MinAggregation.DenseColumn
preorder(int) - Method in interface infovis.tree.DepthFirst.Visitor
Method called when the node is initially reached.
preorder(int) - Method in class infovis.tree.StructureChecker
preorder(int) - Method in class infovis.tree.visualization.nodelink.SimpleTreeLayout
Method called when the node is initially reached.
preorder(int) - Method in class infovis.tree.visualization.RainbowColumn
Method called when the node is initially reached.
PREVEDGE_COLUMN - Static variable in class infovis.graph.DefaultGraph
Name of the column containing the previous outgoing edge in the edge table.
PREVINEDGE_COLUMN - Static variable in class infovis.graph.DefaultGraph
Name of the column containing the previous incoming edge in the edge table.
print(Graphics2D, Rectangle2D) - Method in class infovis.visualization.DefaultVisualization
Prints the visualization on the specified graphics.
print(Graphics2D, Rectangle2D) - Method in class infovis.visualization.magicLens.ExcentricLabelVisualization
print(Graphics2D, Rectangle2D) - Method in interface infovis.Visualization
Method for printing the visualization.
print(Graphics2D, Rectangle2D) - Method in class infovis.visualization.VisualizationLayers
print(Graphics2D, Rectangle2D) - Method in class infovis.visualization.VisualizationProxy
Method for printing the visualization.
processingInstruction(String, String) - Method in class infovis.io.AbstractXMLReader
profile(float) - Method in interface infovis.visualization.magicLens.DefaultFisheye.LensProfile
profile(float) - Method in class infovis.visualization.magicLens.DefaultFisheye.ProfileCos
PROPERTY_DATA_COLUMNS - Static variable in class infovis.table.visualization.TimeSeriesVisualization
Name of the property for data columns change notification
PROPERTY_DISTANCE - Static variable in class infovis.visualization.magicLens.DefaultFisheye
PROPERTY_ENABLED - Static variable in interface infovis.visualization.MagicLens
PROPERTY_FOCUS_HEIGHT - Static variable in interface infovis.visualization.magicLens.Fisheye
PROPERTY_FOCUS_RADIUS - Static variable in class infovis.visualization.magicLens.DefaultFisheye
PROPERTY_INTERACTOR - Static variable in interface infovis.Visualization
Name of the property for interactor change notification.
PROPERTY_ITEM_RENDERER - Static variable in interface infovis.Visualization
Name of the property for ItermRenderer change notification.
PROPERTY_LAYOUT - Static variable in interface infovis.Visualization
Name of the property for layout change notification.
PROPERTY_LENS_POSITION_X - Static variable in interface infovis.visualization.MagicLens
PROPERTY_LENS_POSITION_Y - Static variable in interface infovis.visualization.MagicLens
PROPERTY_LENS_RADIUS - Static variable in interface infovis.visualization.MagicLens
PROPERTY_LENS_SHAPE - Static variable in class infovis.visualization.magicLens.DefaultFisheye
PROPERTY_METRIC - Static variable in class infovis.visualization.magicLens.DefaultFisheye
PROPERTY_ORIENTATION - Static variable in interface infovis.Visualization
Name of the property for orientation change notification.
PROPERTY_PARENT - Static variable in interface infovis.Visualization
Name of the property for parent change notification.
PROPERTY_PERMUTATION - Static variable in interface infovis.Visualization
Name of the property for permutation change notification.
PROPERTY_PREFERED_SIZE - Static variable in class infovis.graph.visualization.MatrixAxisVisualization
PROPERTY_ROOT - Static variable in class infovis.tree.visualization.TreeVisualization
Property name for the visible root field.
PROPERTY_RULERS - Static variable in interface infovis.Visualization
Name of the property for Ruler change notification.
PROPERTY_SHOW_EXCENTRIC - Static variable in class infovis.visualization.StrokingVisualization
PROPERTY_SIZE - Static variable in class infovis.visualization.DefaultAxisVisualization
PROPERTY_TOLERANCE - Static variable in class infovis.visualization.magicLens.DefaultFisheye
PROPERTY_TRANSFORMING_X - Static variable in class infovis.visualization.magicLens.DefaultFisheye
PROPERTY_TRANSFORMING_Y - Static variable in class infovis.visualization.magicLens.DefaultFisheye
PROPERTY_USING_GRADIENT - Static variable in class infovis.panel.VisualizationPanel
Property name for usingGradient.
PROPERTY_VISIBLE - Static variable in class infovis.visualization.ruler.RulerVisualization
Property name for the visible field.
PROPERTY_X_AXIS_MODEL - Static variable in class infovis.table.visualization.ScatterPlotVisualization
Name of the property for x axis model change notification
PROPERTY_Y_AXIS_MODEL - Static variable in class infovis.table.visualization.ScatterPlotVisualization
Name of the property for y axis model change notification
propertyChange(PropertyChangeEvent) - Method in class infovis.graph.visualization.MatrixVisualization
propertyChange(PropertyChangeEvent) - Method in class infovis.panel.JPanner
propertyChange(PropertyChangeEvent) - Method in class infovis.panel.render.AbstractVisualColumnPanel
propertyChange(PropertyChangeEvent) - Method in class infovis.panel.render.SortPseudoColumnPanel
propertyChange(PropertyChangeEvent) - Method in class infovis.panel.RulersControlPanel
propertyChange(PropertyChangeEvent) - Method in class infovis.visualization.DefaultAxisVisualization
propertyChange(PropertyChangeEvent) - Method in class infovis.visualization.ruler.RulerVisualization
ptInRect(double, double, double, double, Rectangle2D, Point2D) - Static method in class infovis.utils.StrokedPath
PUBLISHER - Static variable in interface infovis.metadata.Constants
Standard Dublin Core Metadata published.
push(char) - Method in class infovis.utils.CharStack
push(double) - Method in class infovis.utils.DoubleStack
push(float) - Method in class infovis.utils.FloatStack
push(int) - Method in class infovis.utils.IntStack
push(long) - Method in class infovis.utils.LongStack
push(short) - Method in class infovis.utils.ShortStack
put(int, Object) - Method in class infovis.utils.IntSortedMap
Associates the specified value with the specified key in this map.
put(int, int) - Method in class infovis.utils.RBTree
putAggregationType(String, Aggregation) - Method in class infovis.metadata.AggregationFactory
putCategory(String, int) - Method in class infovis.column.format.CategoricalFormat
Associate a category name with a value.
putIcon(String, Image) - Method in class infovis.visualization.render.VisualImage

A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z _
Copyright © 2005 by Jean-Daniel Fekete and INRIA, France All rights reserved.