Class BFSVisitor

  extended by infovis.graph.algorithm.BFSVisitor
All Implemented Interfaces:

public class BFSVisitor
extends Object
implements BreadthFirst.Visitor

Basic implementation of the BreathFirst.Visitor interface

$Revision: 1.1 $
Jean-Daniel Fekete

Constructor Summary
Method Summary
 void blackTarget(int edge)
          Invoked (in addition to non_tree_edge()) if the target vertex is colored black at the time of examination.
 void discoverVertex(int vertex)
          Invoked the first time the algorithm encounters vertex u .
 void examineEdge(int edge)
          Invoked on every out-edge of each vertex immediately after the vertex is removed from the queue.
 void examineVertex(int vertex)
          Invoked in each vertex as it is removed from the queue
 void finishVertex(int vertex)
          Invoked after all of the out edges of u have been examined and all of the adjacent vertices have been discovered.
 void greyTarget(int edge)
          Invoked (in addition to non_tree_edge()) if the target vertex is colored grey at the time of examination.
 void initializeVertex(int vertex)
          Invoked on every vertex before the start of the search.
 void nonTreeEdge(int edge)
          Invoked (in addition to examine_edge()) if the edge is not a tree edge.
 void startVertex(int vertex)
          Invoked on every vertex before the start of the search.
 void treeEdge(int edge)
          Invoked (in addition to examine_edge()) if the edge is a tree edge.
Methods inherited from class java.lang.Object
equals, getClass, hashCode, notify, notifyAll, toString, wait, wait, wait

Constructor Detail


public BFSVisitor()
Method Detail


public void initializeVertex(int vertex)
Description copied from interface: BreadthFirst.Visitor
Invoked on every vertex before the start of the search.

Specified by:
initializeVertex in interface BreadthFirst.Visitor
vertex - the Vertex


public void blackTarget(int edge)
Description copied from interface: BreadthFirst.Visitor
Invoked (in addition to non_tree_edge()) if the target vertex is colored black at the time of examination. The color black indicates that the vertex is no longer in the queue.

Specified by:
blackTarget in interface BreadthFirst.Visitor
edge - the Edge


public void discoverVertex(int vertex)
Description copied from interface: BreadthFirst.Visitor
Invoked the first time the algorithm encounters vertex u . All vertices closer to the source vertex have been discovered, and vertices further from the source have not yet been discovered.

Specified by:
discoverVertex in interface BreadthFirst.Visitor
vertex - the Vertex


public void examineEdge(int edge)
Description copied from interface: BreadthFirst.Visitor
Invoked on every out-edge of each vertex immediately after the vertex is removed from the queue.

Specified by:
examineEdge in interface BreadthFirst.Visitor
edge - the Edge


public void examineVertex(int vertex)
Description copied from interface: BreadthFirst.Visitor
Invoked in each vertex as it is removed from the queue

Specified by:
examineVertex in interface BreadthFirst.Visitor
vertex - the Vertex


public void finishVertex(int vertex)
Description copied from interface: BreadthFirst.Visitor
Invoked after all of the out edges of u have been examined and all of the adjacent vertices have been discovered.

Specified by:
finishVertex in interface BreadthFirst.Visitor
vertex - the Vertex


public void greyTarget(int edge)
Description copied from interface: BreadthFirst.Visitor
Invoked (in addition to non_tree_edge()) if the target vertex is colored grey at the time of examination. The color grey indicates that the vertex is currently in the queue.

Specified by:
greyTarget in interface BreadthFirst.Visitor
edge - the Edge


public void nonTreeEdge(int edge)
Description copied from interface: BreadthFirst.Visitor
Invoked (in addition to examine_edge()) if the edge is not a tree edge.

Specified by:
nonTreeEdge in interface BreadthFirst.Visitor
edge - the Edge


public void startVertex(int vertex)
Description copied from interface: BreadthFirst.Visitor
Invoked on every vertex before the start of the search.

Specified by:
startVertex in interface BreadthFirst.Visitor
vertex - the Vertex


public void treeEdge(int edge)
Description copied from interface: BreadthFirst.Visitor
Invoked (in addition to examine_edge()) if the edge is a tree edge. The target vertex of edge e is discovered at this time.

Specified by:
treeEdge in interface BreadthFirst.Visitor
edge - the Edge

Copyright © 2005 by Jean-Daniel Fekete and INRIA, France All rights reserved.