Uses of Class

Packages that use AbstractReader Manage input and ouput of graphs using various formats or sources. Provides base classes for managing input and output of Infovis data structures. Manage input and ouput of tables using various formats or sources. Manage input and ouput of trees using various formats or sources. 

Uses of AbstractReader in

Subclasses of AbstractReader in
 class AbstractGraphReader
          Base class for Graph readers, except for formats based on XML.
 class AdjGraphReader
          Class AdjGraphReader
 class ChacoGraphReader
          Reader for the Chaco format.
 class DOTGraphReader
          Reader class for the DOT file format.
 class GMLGraphReader
          Reader for the GML graph file format.
 class GraphMLReader
          GraphML format reader.
 class HTMLGraphReader
          The HTMLGraphReader is creates a graph from html web sites.
 class PajekNetReader
          Class PajekNetReader
 class RDFGraphReader
          Class RDFGraphReader
 class VCGGraphReader
          Class VCGGraphReader

Methods in that return AbstractReader
 AbstractReader GraphReaderFactory.DefaultCreator.create(InputStream in, String name, Table table)
static AbstractReader GraphReaderFactory.createGraphReader(InputStream in, String name, Graph graph)
static AbstractReader GraphReaderFactory.createGraphReader(String name, Graph graph)
          Creates a graph reader from a specified resource name and a graph

Uses of AbstractReader in

Subclasses of AbstractReader in
 class AbstractXMLReader
          Abstract Reader for XML format.

Methods in that return AbstractReader
 AbstractReader AbstractReaderFactory.create(InputStream in, String name, Table table)
 AbstractReader AbstractReaderFactory.Creator.create(InputStream in, String name, Table table)
 AbstractReader AbstractReaderFactory.create(String name, Table table)
          Returns an AbstractReader able to read the specified resource name or null.
 AbstractReader AbstractReaderFactory.Creator.create(String name, Table table)
 AbstractReader AbstractReaderFactory.AbstractCreator.create(String name, Table table)

Uses of AbstractReader in

Subclasses of AbstractReader in
 class AbstractTableReader
          Abstract class for loading a table from a textual file.
 class CSVTableReader
          Read an Excel CSV format into a table.
 class TQDTableReader
          Reader of Time Series TQD format for tables.

Methods in that return AbstractReader
 AbstractReader TableReaderFactory.DefaultCreator.create(InputStream in, String name, Table table)
static AbstractReader TableReaderFactory.createTableReader(String name, Table table)
          Returns a reader or null from a format name and a table.

Uses of AbstractReader in

Subclasses of AbstractReader in
 class AbstractTreeReader
          Abstract Reader for Trees.
 class DirectoryTreeReader
          Reader of Directory.
 class FileListTreeReader
          Class FileListTreeReader Creates a tree from a list of file names, one per line.
 class JarTreeReader
          Creates a Class Tree from a Jar File.
 class NewickTreeReader
          Read Trees in Newick format, usually for phylogenetic trees.
 class SimpleXMLTreeReader
          Simple Reader for an XML tree.
 class TM3TreeReader
          Reader for the UMD Treemap TM3 Format.
 class XMLTreeReader
          Tree Reader for the treemal DTD.

Methods in that return AbstractReader
 AbstractReader TreeReaderFactory.DefaultCreator.create(InputStream in, String name, Table table)
 AbstractReader JarReaderCreator.create(InputStream in, String name, Table table)
 AbstractReader DirectoryReaderCreator.create(InputStream ignore, String name, Table table)
 AbstractReader JarReaderCreator.create(String name, Table table)
 AbstractReader DirectoryReaderCreator.create(String name, Table table)
static AbstractReader TreeReaderFactory.createTreeReader(String name, Tree tree)
          Creates a tree reader from a specified resource name and a tree

Copyright © 2005 by Jean-Daniel Fekete and INRIA, France All rights reserved.