Uses of Interface

Packages that use RowIterator
infovis Provides a set of classes to implement Information Visualization applications or components. 
infovis.graph Provides a set of classes related to visualization of graphs. 
infovis.graph.visualization Provides graph visualizations. 
infovis.panel.render Provides a set of subcomponents for interacting with visual item renderers. 
infovis.table Provides a set of classes related to visualization of tables. 
infovis.tree Provides a set of classes related to visualization of trees. 
infovis.tree.visualization Provides trees visualizations. 
infovis.utils Utilities classes for the Infovis Toolkit. 
infovis.visualization Provides base classes for managing visualizations. 
infovis.visualization.magicLens Magic lenses to modify locally visualizations. 

Uses of RowIterator in infovis

Methods in infovis that return RowIterator
 RowIterator Tree.childrenIterator(int node)
          Returns the iterator over the children of a node.
 RowIterator Graph.edgeIterator()
          Returns an iterator over the edges of the graph.
 RowIterator Graph.edgeIterator(int vertex)
          Returns an iterator over all the edges (incoming and outgoing) of a specified vertex.
 RowIterator Graph.inEdgeIterator(int vertex)
          Returns an iterator over the incoming edges of specified vertex.
 RowIterator Visualization.iterator()
          Returns a RowIterator over the visualized items in direct order, taking the permutation into account.
 RowIterator Column.iterator()
          Returns a RowIterator over all the valid rows of this column.
 RowIterator Graph.outEdgeIterator(int vertex)
          Returns an iterator over the outgoing edges of a specified vertex.
 RowIterator Visualization.reverseIterator()
          Returns a RowIterator over the visualized items in reverse order, taking the permutation into account.
 RowIterator Table.reverseIterator()
          Returns an iterator over the columns of this table in reverse order.
 RowIterator Graph.vertexIterator()
          Returns an iterator over the vertices of the graph.

Uses of RowIterator in infovis.column

Classes in infovis.column that implement RowIterator
 class ColumnIterator
          Iterator over a column.

Methods in infovis.column that return RowIterator
 RowIterator IntSparseColumn.iterator()
 RowIterator HistogramColumn.iterator()
          Returns a RowIterator over all the valid rows of this column.
 RowIterator ConstantColumn.iterator()
          Returns a RowIterator over all the valid rows of this column.
 RowIterator ColumnProxy.iterator()
          Returns a RowIterator over all the valid rows of this column.
 RowIterator BasicEdgeColumn.iterator()
          Returns a RowIterator over all the valid rows of this column.
 RowIterator BasicColumn.iterator()
          Returns a RowIterator over all the valid rows of this column.

Methods in infovis.column with parameters of type RowIterator
 void FilterColumn.applyDynamicQuery(DynamicQuery query, RowIterator iter)
          Applies a DynamicQuery to all the values of a specified RowIterator.
static IntPair Algorithms.computeMinMax(Column c, RowIterator iter)
          Computes the index of the minimum and maximum elements contained in a specified column taking into account a RowIterator.
static IntPair Algorithms.computeMinMax(Column c, RowIterator iter, IntPair p)
          Computes the index of the minimum and maximum elements contained in a specified column taking into account a RowIterator.

Uses of RowIterator in infovis.graph

Methods in infovis.graph that return RowIterator
 RowIterator GraphProxy.edgeIterator()
 RowIterator DenseGraph.edgeIterator()
 RowIterator DefaultGraph.edgeIterator()
 RowIterator GraphProxy.edgeIterator(int vertex)
 RowIterator DenseGraph.edgeIterator(int vertex)
 RowIterator DefaultGraph.edgeIterator(int vertex)
 RowIterator GraphProxy.inEdgeIterator(int vertex)
 RowIterator DenseGraph.inEdgeIterator(int vertex)
 RowIterator DefaultGraph.inEdgeIterator(int vertex)
 RowIterator GraphProxy.outEdgeIterator(int vertex)
 RowIterator DenseGraph.outEdgeIterator(int vertex)
 RowIterator DefaultGraph.outEdgeIterator(int vertex)
          Returns an iterator over the edges of a specified vertex.
 RowIterator HierarchicalGraph.vertexIterator()
 RowIterator GraphProxy.vertexIterator()
 RowIterator DenseGraph.vertexIterator()
 RowIterator DefaultGraph.vertexIterator()

Uses of RowIterator in infovis.graph.visualization

Methods in infovis.graph.visualization that return RowIterator
 RowIterator MatrixVisualization.columnIterator()
          Returns an iterator over the permuted columns.
 RowIterator GraphVisualization.edgeIterator()
 RowIterator GraphVisualization.edgeIterator(int vertex)
 RowIterator GraphVisualization.inEdgeIterator(int vertex)
 RowIterator GraphVisualization.outEdgeIterator(int vertex)
 RowIterator MatrixVisualization.rowIterator()
          Returns an iterator over the permuted rows.
 RowIterator MatrixVisualization.vertexIterator()
 RowIterator GraphVisualization.vertexIterator()

Uses of RowIterator in infovis.panel.render

Methods in infovis.panel.render that return RowIterator
 RowIterator SortPseudoColumnPanel.iterator()

Uses of RowIterator in infovis.table

Methods in infovis.table that return RowIterator
 RowIterator DefaultTable.iterator()
          Returns a RowIterator over all the valid rows of this column.
 RowIterator DefaultDynamicTable.iterator()
          Returns a RowIterator over all the valid rows of this column.
 RowIterator TableProxy.reverseIterator()
          Returns an iterator over the columns of this table in reverse order.
 RowIterator DefaultTable.reverseIterator()
          Returns an iterator over the columns of this table in reverse order.
 RowIterator DefaultDynamicTable.reverseIterator()
          Returns an iterator over the columns of this table in reverse order.

Uses of RowIterator in infovis.tree

Methods in infovis.tree that return RowIterator
 RowIterator TreeProxy.childrenIterator(int node)
 RowIterator DefaultTree.childrenIterator(int node)
          Returns the iterator over the children of a node.
 RowIterator TreeAsGraph.edgeIterator()
 RowIterator TreeAsGraph.edgeIterator(int vertex)
 RowIterator TreeAsGraph.inEdgeIterator(int vertex)
 RowIterator TreeIntColumn.iterator()
          Returns a RowIterator over all the valid rows of this column.
 RowIterator TreeAsGraph.outEdgeIterator(int vertex)
 RowIterator TreeAsGraph.vertexIterator()

Uses of RowIterator in infovis.tree.visualization

Methods in infovis.tree.visualization that return RowIterator
 RowIterator TreeVisualization.childrenIterator(int node)
          Returns the iterator over the children of a node.
 RowIterator NodeLinkTreeLayout.childrenIterator(int node)
 RowIterator NodeLinkTreeLayout.iterator()
 RowIterator TreeVisualization.reverseIterator()
          Returns an iterator over the columns of this table in reverse order.

Uses of RowIterator in infovis.utils

Classes in infovis.utils that implement RowIterator
 class AbstractRowIterator
          Class AbstractRowIterator
 class AppendRowIterator
          Appends two row iterators
 class ArrayChildrenIterator
          Class ArrayChildrenIterator
 class FilteredRowIterator
          Class FilteredRowIterator
 class IdManagerIterator
          Class IdManagerIterator
 class NullRowIterator
 class RBTree.KeyIterator
 class RowIteratorProxy
          Class RowIteratorProxy
 class TableIterator
          Iterator over table rows.

Methods in infovis.utils that return RowIterator
 RowIterator TableIterator.copy()
 RowIterator RowIteratorProxy.copy()
 RowIterator RowIterator.copy()
          Clone myself with the right type returned.
 RowIterator RBTree.KeyIterator.copy()
 RowIterator NullRowIterator.copy()
 RowIterator FilteredRowIterator.copy()
 RowIterator ArrayChildrenIterator.copy()
 RowIterator Permutation.iterator()
 RowIterator IdManager.iterator()
 RowIterator RBTree.keyIterator()
 RowIterator IntSortedMap.keyIterator()
 RowIterator RBTree.keyIterator(int key)
 RowIterator IntLinkedList.listIterator(int index)
          Returns a list-iterator of the elements in this list (in proper sequence), starting at the specified position in the list.
 RowIterator Permutation.reverseIterator()
 RowIterator IdManager.reverseIterator()
 RowIterator RBTree.valueIterator()

Methods in infovis.utils with parameters of type RowIterator
 void Permutation.fillPermutation(RowIterator iter)
 void Permutation.filter(RowIterator iter)

Constructors in infovis.utils with parameters of type RowIterator
AppendRowIterator(RowIterator i1, RowIterator i2)
FilteredRowIterator(RowIterator iterator, RowFilter filter)
Permutation(RowIterator iter)
RowIteratorProxy(RowIterator iterator)

Uses of RowIterator in infovis.visualization

Methods in infovis.visualization that return RowIterator
 RowIterator VisualizationProxy.iterator()
          Returns a RowIterator over the visualized items in direct order, taking the permutation into account.
 RowIterator DefaultVisualization.iterator()
          Returns a RowIterator taking the permutation into account.
 RowIterator VisualizationProxy.reverseIterator()
          Returns a RowIterator over the visualized items in reverse order, taking the permutation into account.
 RowIterator DefaultVisualization.reverseIterator()
          Returns an iterator over the columns of this table in reverse order.

Uses of RowIterator in infovis.visualization.magicLens

Methods in infovis.visualization.magicLens that return RowIterator
 RowIterator ExcentricLabelVisualization.iterator()

Copyright © 2005 by Jean-Daniel Fekete and INRIA, France All rights reserved.