Uses of Interface

Packages that use RowComparator
infovis Provides a set of classes to implement Information Visualization applications or components. 
infovis.column.visualization Provides visualizations for columns. 
infovis.graph Provides a set of classes related to visualization of graphs. 
infovis.graph.clustering Implements clustering algorithms on graphs. 
infovis.graph.visualization Provides graph visualizations. 
infovis.metadata Provides for Metadata management. 
infovis.table Provides a set of classes related to visualization of tables. 
infovis.table.visualization Provides table visualizations. 
infovis.tree Provides a set of classes related to visualization of trees. 
infovis.tree.visualization Provides trees visualizations. 
infovis.utils Utilities classes for the Infovis Toolkit. 
infovis.visualization Provides base classes for managing visualizations. 
infovis.visualization.magicLens Magic lenses to modify locally visualizations. 
infovis.visualization.ruler Management of rulers that go around and under visualizations. 

Uses of RowComparator in infovis

Subinterfaces of RowComparator in infovis
 interface Column
          A column is an indexed collection of values of homogeneous type.
 interface DynamicTable
          A Dynamic Table is a Table that can have elements removed.
 interface Table
          The Table is the base class of all infovis dataset containers.
 interface Tree
          Container for a rooted tree structure (hierarchy).

Uses of RowComparator in infovis.column

Subinterfaces of RowComparator in infovis.column
 interface NumberColumn
          Abstract class for all columns containing numeric values.

Classes in infovis.column that implement RowComparator
 class AbstractColumn
          AbstractColumn is the base class for each concrete column.
 class BasicColumn
          BasicColumn implements the management of name, Metadata, clientProperty and Format.
 class BasicEdgeColumn
          Column for graph edge table to access vertex attributes.
 class BasicObjectColumn
          Abstract base class for columns containing objects.
 class BooleanColumn
          Column of booleans.
 class CategoricalColumn
          Specialization of an IntColumn storing categorical values.
 class ColorColumn
          Column containing colors.
 class ColumnColumn
          Column containing columns.
 class ColumnId
          Class ColumnId wraps any column to make it a NumberColumn.
 class ColumnOne
          Column returning ONE for all its rows.
 class ColumnProxy
          Column forwarding all its methods to a backing column.
 class ConstantColumn
          Column containing constant values for each rows.
 class DateColumn
          Specialization of LongColumn to manage dates.
 class DoubleColumn
          A column of double values, implemented by Colt DoubleArrayList.
 class DoubleMatrix1DColumn
          Wrapper for Colt DoubleMatrix1D columns.
 class EventColumn
          Column containing list of timed events.
 class FilterColumn
          Column managing BitSet s meant for filtering columns with dynamic queries.
 class FloatColumn
          A Column of float values, implemented by Colt FloatArrayList.
 class FunctionColumn
          Applies a unary function to a column and maintains the result into this column.
 class HistogramColumn
          Column computing and maintaining the histogram of a specified NumberColumn.
 class IdColumn
          Class IdColumn
 class IntColumn
          A Column of integer values.
 class IntSparseColumn
          Class IntSparseColumn
 class LiteralColumn
          Abstract class for all columns containing literal values.
 class LongColumn
          A Column of longs.
 class ObjectColumn
          A Column of Strings.
 class ShapeColumn
          Columns of shapes and RectPool management.
 class SortedCategoricalColumn
          SortedCategoricalColumn is an IntColumn computed from a StringColumn containing the order of each string.
 class SparseColumn
          Base class for sparse columns, i˙e˙ columns containing few elements.
 class StringColumn
          A Column of Strings.

Methods in infovis.column with parameters of type RowComparator
 IntIntSortedMap AbstractColumn.computeValueMap(RowComparator comp)
          Returns the list of uniq elements of this columns associated with their count.
 void IntColumn.sort(RowComparator comp)
          Sort the values of this column according to a comparator.
 void HistogramColumn.sort(RowComparator comp)
          Sort the values of this column according to a comparator.
 void IntColumn.stableSort(RowComparator comp)
          Sort the values of this column according to a comparator using a stable sort algorithm.
 void HistogramColumn.stableSort(RowComparator comp)
          Sort the values of this column according to a comparator using a stable sort algorithm.

Uses of RowComparator in infovis.column.visualization

Classes in infovis.column.visualization that implement RowComparator
 class ColumnsVisualization
          Visualization of several column visualizations.
 class ColumnVisualization
          Visualization for the values of a column.
 class HistogramVisualization
          Visualization of histogram.

Uses of RowComparator in infovis.graph

Methods in infovis.graph with parameters of type RowComparator
static int[] Algorithms.sortEdges(Graph graph, int vertex, RowComparator comp)

Uses of RowComparator in infovis.graph.clustering

Classes in infovis.graph.clustering that implement RowComparator
 class VertexOrderComparator

Uses of RowComparator in infovis.graph.visualization

Classes in infovis.graph.visualization that implement RowComparator
 class GraphVisualization
          Abstract base class for Graph Visualizations.
 class MatrixAxisVisualization
 class MatrixVisualization
          Graph Visualization using Adjacency Matrix representation.
 class NodeLinkGraphVisualization
          Node-Link Visualization for graphs.

Uses of RowComparator in infovis.metadata

Classes in infovis.metadata that implement RowComparator
static class MinAggregation.DenseColumn

Uses of RowComparator in infovis.table

Classes in infovis.table that implement RowComparator
 class DefaultDynamicTable
          Default implementatio for dynamic tables.
 class DefaultTable
          Concrete Table.
 class DynamicTableProxy
          Proxy of a Dynamic Table.
 class FilteredTable
          Proxy Table filtering Columns.
 class TableProxy
          A Table Proxy implements an Table by forwarding all the methods to an internal Table.

Uses of RowComparator in infovis.table.visualization

Classes in infovis.table.visualization that implement RowComparator
 class ParallelCoordinatesVisualization
          Implements the Parallel Coordinates Visualization as described by A.
 class ScatterPlotVisualization
          Scatter plot visualization.
 class TimeSeriesVisualization
          BasicVisualization component for Time Series

Uses of RowComparator in infovis.tree

Classes in infovis.tree that implement RowComparator
 class DefaultTree
          Default implementation of the Tree interface.
 class DegreeColumn
          Computes and maintains the degree of a tree in a column.
 class DepthColumn
          Class DepthColumn
 class LeafCountColumn
          Class for computing and maintaining the number of leaves for each node in a tree.
 class TreeAsGraph
          Class TreeAsGraph
 class TreeIntColumn
          Base class for columns computing topological values on a tree.
 class TreeProxy

Methods in infovis.tree with parameters of type RowComparator
 void TreeIntColumn.sort(RowComparator comp)
          Sort the values of this column according to a comparator.
 void TreeIntColumn.stableSort(RowComparator comp)
          Sort the values of this column according to a comparator using a stable sort algorithm.

Uses of RowComparator in infovis.tree.visualization

Classes in infovis.tree.visualization that implement RowComparator
 class IcicleTreeVisualization
 class NodeLinkTreeVisualization
          Node Link Diagram Visualization of Trees.
 class RainbowColumn
          Computes and maintain a rainbow color according to the leaves of a tree.
 class TreemapVisualization
          Visualization of a Tree using a Treemap layout.
 class TreeVisualization
          Abstract base class for tree visualizations.

Uses of RowComparator in infovis.utils

Classes in infovis.utils that implement RowComparator
 class FilteredRowComparator
          Class FilteredRowComparator
 class IdRowComparator
          Class IdRowComparator
 class InverseRowComparator
          Class InverseComparator
 class Permutation
          Maintain a permutation of indices.

Methods in infovis.utils that return RowComparator
 RowComparator InverseRowComparator.getComparator()

Methods in infovis.utils with parameters of type RowComparator
 void Permutation.fillPermutation(int size, RowComparator comp)
 void Permutation.filter(RowComparator comp)
 void Permutation.sort(RowComparator comp)

Constructors in infovis.utils with parameters of type RowComparator
FilteredRowComparator(RowComparator comparator, RowFilter filter)
InverseRowComparator(RowComparator comparator)

Uses of RowComparator in infovis.visualization

Classes in infovis.visualization that implement RowComparator
 class DefaultAxisVisualization
 class DefaultVisualization
          Base class for concrete visualizations.
 class LinkVisualization
          Class LinkVisualization
 class StrokingVisualization
          Visualization for shapes considered as strokes and not filled shapes.

Uses of RowComparator in infovis.visualization.magicLens

Methods in infovis.visualization.magicLens with parameters of type RowComparator
 void ExcentricLabelVisualization.setPermutation(RowComparator comparator)

Uses of RowComparator in infovis.visualization.ruler

Classes in infovis.visualization.ruler that implement RowComparator
 class RulerTable
          Class for managing rulers associated with a visualization.
 class RulerVisualization
          Display rulers under a Visualization.

Copyright © 2005 by Jean-Daniel Fekete and INRIA, France All rights reserved.