Uses of Class

Packages that use TreemapVisualization
infovis.tree.visualization.treemap Provides helper classes for visualizing tree using treemaps. 

Uses of TreemapVisualization in infovis.tree.visualization.treemap

Methods in infovis.tree.visualization.treemap that return TreemapVisualization
 TreemapVisualization TreemapVisualPanel.getTreemapVisualization()
          Returns a TreemapVisualization.
 TreemapVisualization TreemapControlPanel.getTreemapVisualization()
          Returns the TreemapVisualization.

Methods in infovis.tree.visualization.treemap with parameters of type TreemapVisualization
abstract  void Treemap.computeShapes(Rectangle2D bounds, TreemapVisualization vis)
          Computes the shapes of the treemap.
 void Squarified.computeShapes(Rectangle2D bounds, TreemapVisualization vis)
          Computes the shapes of the treemap.
 void SliceAndDice.computeShapes(Rectangle2D bounds, TreemapVisualization vis)
          Computes the shapes of the treemap.
 Treemap TreemapFactory.create(String name, TreemapVisualization vis)
          Creates a new Treemap layout from a specified name.
 Treemap TreemapFactory.Creator.create(TreemapVisualization vis)
          Creates the Treemap layout.
 Treemap TreemapFactory.DefaultCreator.create(TreemapVisualization vis)
          Creates the Treemap layout.
static Treemap TreemapFactory.createTreemap(String name, TreemapVisualization vis)
          Creates a Treemap layout given its name.

Copyright © 2005 by Jean-Daniel Fekete and INRIA, France All rights reserved.