Uses of Class

Packages that use TreeIntColumn
infovis.tree Provides a set of classes related to visualization of trees. 
infovis.tree.visualization Provides trees visualizations. 

Uses of TreeIntColumn in infovis.tree

Subclasses of TreeIntColumn in infovis.tree
 class DegreeColumn
          Computes and maintains the degree of a tree in a column.
 class DepthColumn
          Class DepthColumn
 class LeafCountColumn
          Class for computing and maintaining the number of leaves for each node in a tree.

Uses of TreeIntColumn in infovis.tree.visualization

Subclasses of TreeIntColumn in infovis.tree.visualization
 class RainbowColumn
          Computes and maintain a rainbow color according to the leaves of a tree.

Copyright © 2005 by Jean-Daniel Fekete and INRIA, France All rights reserved.