Interface DoubleBoundedRangeModel

All Known Implementing Classes:
DefaultDoubleBoundedRangeModel, MinMaxDynamicQuery, NumberColumnBoundedRangeModel

public interface DoubleBoundedRangeModel

Double version of a BoundedRangeModel.

$Revision: 1.8 $
Jean-Daniel Fekete
See Also:

Method Summary
 void addChangeListener(ChangeListener x)
          Adds a ChangeListener to the sizeModel's listener list.
 double getExtent()
          Returns the sizeModel's extent, the length of the inner range that begins at the sizeModel's value.
 double getMaximum()
          Returns the sizeModel's maximum.
 double getMinimum()
          Returns the minimum acceptable value.
 double getValue()
          Returns the sizeModel's current value.
 boolean getValueIsAdjusting()
          Returns true if the current changes to the value property are part of a series of changes.
 void removeChangeListener(ChangeListener x)
          Removes a ChangeListener from the sizeModel's listener list.
 void setExtent(double newExtent)
          Sets the sizeModel's extent.
 void setMaximum(double newMaximum)
          Sets the sizeModel's maximum to newMaximum.
 void setMinimum(double newMinimum)
          Sets the sizeModel's minimum to newMinimum.
 void setRangeProperties(double value, double extent, double min, double max, boolean adjusting)
          This method sets all of the sizeModel's data with a single method call.
 void setValue(double newValue)
          Sets the sizeModel's current value to newValue if newValue satisfies the sizeModel's constraints.
 void setValueIsAdjusting(boolean b)
          This attribute indicates that any upcoming changes to the value of the sizeModel should be considered a single event.

Method Detail


double getMinimum()
Returns the minimum acceptable value.

the value of the minimum property
See Also:


void setMinimum(double newMinimum)
Sets the sizeModel's minimum to newMinimum. The other three properties may be changed as well, to ensure that:
 minimum <= value <= value+extent <= maximum

Notifies any listeners if the sizeModel changes.

newMinimum - the sizeModel's new minimum
See Also:
getMinimum(), addChangeListener(javax.swing.event.ChangeListener)


double getMaximum()
Returns the sizeModel's maximum. Note that the upper limit on the sizeModel's value is (maximum - extent).

the value of the maximum property.
See Also:
setMaximum(double), setExtent(double)


void setMaximum(double newMaximum)
Sets the sizeModel's maximum to newMaximum. The other three properties may be changed as well, to ensure that
 minimum <= value <= value+extent <= maximum

Notifies any listeners if the sizeModel changes.

newMaximum - the sizeModel's new maximum
See Also:
getMaximum(), addChangeListener(javax.swing.event.ChangeListener)


double getValue()
Returns the sizeModel's current value. Note that the upper limit on the sizeModel's value is maximum - extent and the lower limit is minimum.

the sizeModel's value
See Also:


void setValue(double newValue)
Sets the sizeModel's current value to newValue if newValue satisfies the sizeModel's constraints. Those constraints are:
 minimum <= value <= value+extent
 <= maximum 
Otherwise, if newValue is less than minimum it's set to minimum, if its greater than maximum then it's set to maximum, and if it's greater than value+extent then it's set to value+extent.

When a BoundedRange sizeModel is used with a scrollbar the value specifies the origin of the scrollbar knob (aka the "thumb" or "elevator"). The value usually represents the origin of the visible part of the object being scrolled.

Notifies any listeners if the sizeModel changes.

newValue - the sizeModel's new value
See Also:


void setValueIsAdjusting(boolean b)
This attribute indicates that any upcoming changes to the value of the sizeModel should be considered a single event.

This attribute will be set to true at the start of a series of changes to the value, and will be set to false when the value has finished changing. Normally this allows a listener to only take action when the final value change in committed, instead of having to do updates for all intermediate values.

Sliders and scrollbars use this property when a drag is underway.

b - true if the upcoming changes to the value property are part of a series


boolean getValueIsAdjusting()
Returns true if the current changes to the value property are part of a series of changes.

the valueIsAdjustingProperty.
See Also:


double getExtent()
Returns the sizeModel's extent, the length of the inner range that begins at the sizeModel's value.

the value of the sizeModel's extent property
See Also:
setExtent(double), setValue(double)


void setExtent(double newExtent)
Sets the sizeModel's extent. The newExtent is forced to be greater than or equal to zero and less than or equal to maximum - value.

When a BoundedRange sizeModel is used with a scrollbar the extent defines the length of the scrollbar knob (aka the "thumb" or "elevator"). The extent usually represents how much of the object being scrolled is visible. When used with a slider, the extent determines how much the value can "jump", for example when the user presses PgUp or PgDn.

Notifies any listeners if the sizeModel changes.

newExtent - the sizeModel's new extent
See Also:
getExtent(), setValue(double)


void setRangeProperties(double value,
                        double extent,
                        double min,
                        double max,
                        boolean adjusting)
This method sets all of the sizeModel's data with a single method call. The method results in a single change event being generated. This is convenient when you need to adjust all the sizeModel data simultaneously and do not want individual change events to occur.

value - an double giving the current value
extent - an double giving the amount by which the value can "jump"
min - an double giving the minimum value
max - an double giving the maximum value
adjusting - a boolean, true if a series of changes are in progress
See Also:
setValue(double), setExtent(double), setMinimum(double), setMaximum(double), setValueIsAdjusting(boolean)


void addChangeListener(ChangeListener x)
Adds a ChangeListener to the sizeModel's listener list.

x - the ChangeListener to add
See Also:


void removeChangeListener(ChangeListener x)
Removes a ChangeListener from the sizeModel's listener list.

x - the ChangeListener to remove
See Also:

Copyright © 2005 by Jean-Daniel Fekete and INRIA, France All rights reserved.