Uses of Class

Packages that use LiteralColumn
infovis.tree Provides a set of classes related to visualization of trees. 
infovis.tree.visualization Provides trees visualizations. 

Uses of LiteralColumn in infovis.column

Subclasses of LiteralColumn in infovis.column
 class BooleanColumn
          Column of booleans.
 class CategoricalColumn
          Specialization of an IntColumn storing categorical values.
 class ColorColumn
          Column containing colors.
 class DateColumn
          Specialization of LongColumn to manage dates.
 class DoubleColumn
          A column of double values, implemented by Colt DoubleArrayList.
 class EventColumn
          Column containing list of timed events.
 class FloatColumn
          A Column of float values, implemented by Colt FloatArrayList.
 class FunctionColumn
          Applies a unary function to a column and maintains the result into this column.
 class HistogramColumn
          Column computing and maintaining the histogram of a specified NumberColumn.
 class IntColumn
          A Column of integer values.
 class LongColumn
          A Column of longs.
 class SortedCategoricalColumn
          SortedCategoricalColumn is an IntColumn computed from a StringColumn containing the order of each string.

Uses of LiteralColumn in infovis.tree

Subclasses of LiteralColumn in infovis.tree
 class DegreeColumn
          Computes and maintains the degree of a tree in a column.
 class DepthColumn
          Class DepthColumn
 class LeafCountColumn
          Class for computing and maintaining the number of leaves for each node in a tree.
 class TreeIntColumn
          Base class for columns computing topological values on a tree.

Uses of LiteralColumn in infovis.tree.visualization

Subclasses of LiteralColumn in infovis.tree.visualization
 class RainbowColumn
          Computes and maintain a rainbow color according to the leaves of a tree.

Copyright © 2005 by Jean-Daniel Fekete and INRIA, France All rights reserved.