Uses of Interface

Packages that use DynamicTable
infovis Provides a set of classes to implement Information Visualization applications or components. 
infovis.graph Provides a set of classes related to visualization of graphs. 
infovis.graph.visualization Provides graph visualizations. 
infovis.table Provides a set of classes related to visualization of tables. 
infovis.tree Provides a set of classes related to visualization of trees. 
infovis.tree.visualization Provides trees visualizations. 

Uses of DynamicTable in infovis

Subinterfaces of DynamicTable in infovis
 interface Tree
          Container for a rooted tree structure (hierarchy).

Methods in infovis that return DynamicTable
 DynamicTable Graph.getEdgeTable()
          Returns the edgeTable.
 DynamicTable Graph.getVertexTable()
          Returns the vertex Table.

Uses of DynamicTable in infovis.graph

Methods in infovis.graph that return DynamicTable
 DynamicTable GraphProxy.getEdgeTable()
 DynamicTable DenseGraph.getEdgeTable()
 DynamicTable DefaultGraph.getEdgeTable()
          Returns the edgeTable.
 DynamicTable GraphProxy.getVertexTable()
 DynamicTable DenseGraph.getVertexTable()
 DynamicTable DefaultGraph.getVertexTable()

Uses of DynamicTable in infovis.graph.visualization

Methods in infovis.graph.visualization that return DynamicTable
 DynamicTable GraphVisualization.getEdgeTable()
 DynamicTable GraphVisualization.getVertexTable()

Uses of DynamicTable in infovis.table

Classes in infovis.table that implement DynamicTable
 class DefaultDynamicTable
          Default implementatio for dynamic tables.
 class DynamicTableProxy
          Proxy of a Dynamic Table.

Methods in infovis.table that return DynamicTable
 DynamicTable DynamicTableProxy.getDynamicTable()
          Returns the reference dynamic table.

Constructors in infovis.table with parameters of type DynamicTable
DynamicTableProxy(DynamicTable table)

Uses of DynamicTable in infovis.tree

Classes in infovis.tree that implement DynamicTable
 class DefaultTree
          Default implementation of the Tree interface.
 class TreeAsGraph
          Class TreeAsGraph
 class TreeProxy

Methods in infovis.tree that return DynamicTable
 DynamicTable TreeAsGraph.getEdgeTable()
 DynamicTable TreeAsGraph.getVertexTable()

Uses of DynamicTable in infovis.tree.visualization

Classes in infovis.tree.visualization that implement DynamicTable
 class IcicleTreeVisualization
 class NodeLinkTreeVisualization
          Node Link Diagram Visualization of Trees.
 class TreemapVisualization
          Visualization of a Tree using a Treemap layout.
 class TreeVisualization
          Abstract base class for tree visualizations.

Copyright © 2005 by Jean-Daniel Fekete and INRIA, France All rights reserved.